
Is Offshoring Ethical?

Offshoring is defined as the process of sending jobs overseas. Because those jobs go overseas instead of to someone within the company’s own home country, many business owners (and consumers) wonder it’s even ethical to offshore in the first place. Our answer: it depends.  Job security is and always will be a top concern among […]

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Why Do Small Businesses Need Offshore Staff?

Offshoring some of your business tasks isn’t just for large enterprises or global brands. Small businesses can also benefit from using offshore employees, often to take advantage of cost savings or scale their operations quickly and efficiently.   Here’s a closer look at some of the reasons why small businesses should consider adding offshoring to their […]

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How to Overcome Remote Work Silos for Better Productivity

For years, companies have worked diligently and intentionally to break down silos in their organization. They know the value of having a connected workforce, where essential information is fluidly shared and systems and processes work the way you do, not the other way around.  And then the massive migration to remote work happened.  For many […]

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Top Priorities When Managing a Virtual Team

Virtual teams seem to be the way of life these days. Even though COVID conditions are improving, many businesses are still not calling employees back to the office, at least not full tie. Instead, they’re looking for ways to improve how they manage their virtual teams and perfect the process of working remotely.   Whether your […]

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How to Hire the Right Graphic Designer

Of all the types of freelancers or a remote team you may need, a graphic designer might be among the trickiest to hire. The challenge is that it’s a huge umbrella term for a wide variety of freelancers with different skill sets. In other words, there’s no one size fits all graphic designer. Some focus […]

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3 Things Remote Work Companies Do Better than Anyone Else

Today’s business world moves exceedingly fast and is getting faster all the time. Companies constantly need to need to adapt to new circumstances and economic realities quickly and effectively, or else potentially face being put out of business by a faster-moving competitor.   Even prior to the pandemic, remote work was a growing trend, particularly among tech […]

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Top Solopreneur Trends of 2021

2020 was certainly a whirlwind year, filled with many ups and downs, bumps in the roads, and obstacles. Although the global economy is still limping along while the pandemic continues, we’re in a new year, thankfully. It’s a perfect time to think about and plan what you’re going to do to make 2021 successful.   For […]

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New Year, New Business:  Essentials for Starting a Business in 2021

Did you make a New Year’s resolution to start a business in 2021? If so, congratulations! Although the coronavirus pandemic continues to cause uncertainty in the global economic outlook, now is an excellent time to start a new venture. In fact, recessions are great times to launch a business.   Of course, before you dive head first into the deep end, there […]

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Start 2021 with a Bang with these Business Growth Ideas

Let’s face it:  2020 has been a hard year for many businesses. While certain industries are thriving, others are really struggling to keep their heads above water. It’s still unclear when the pandemic will ebb permanently, and when the global economy will be back on track. One thing, however, is certain:  Things aren’t likely to return to […]

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